PCA Women's Ministry Regional Prayer Assignments
Each year the PCA Women's Ministry asks the women in each region of the denomination to pray for a specific committee or agency of the PCA.
2016 Northeast Region Prayer Assignment
Covenant College and Covenant Seminary
Covenant College Covenant Seminary
14049 Scenic Hwy. 12330 Conway Rd.
Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 http://www.covenant.edu http://www.covenantseminary.edu
Dr. Derek Halvorson (President of Covenant College- left), Jane Anne Wilson (NE Regional Advisor), Elizabeth Eno and Dr. Mark Dalbey (President of Covenant Theological Seminary- right) at 2016 PCA Women's Leadership Training.
Please mobilize the women in your church and the Heritage Presbytery to pray for Covenant College and Covenant Seminary in the coming year. We have been assigned the month of November to focus on our prayer assignment. In addition to praying, consider being in touch with the college and the seminary, possibly sending some of their staff a card, e-mail message or small gift as an expression of encouragement.
…praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
To that end keep alert with all perseverance,
making supplication for all the saints…
Prayer Requests from Covenant Seminary
- Nashville site – praise for high initial interest and prayer that the Lord would continue to draw students to these courses. Please pray also that we will get all the right personnel in place for this ongoing effort.
- Search for new faculty – over the next several years we have a number of faculty retiring and we will need to replace them. Please pray that the Lord will raise up the right persons with the right training and ethos for Covenant.
- Impact of the Vice President for Strategic Academic Initiatives (Dan Doriani) – Dan speaks and travels on behalf of Covenant. Please pray that the Lord will bless his discussions, particularly with prospective students.
- Major donors – Please pray for President Mark Dalbey’s time with major donors. We are working to endow more scholarships for students.
- Graduating seniors – They need jobs! Those can range from pastorates to counseling jobs to missions and other ministry vocations. Please pray that the Lord will prepare places for them to serve which will also allow them to support their families. And if they land in your churches, please welcome them!
- Dr. Dalbey – He’s a very busy man these days (which you can see from the other requests). Please pray for quality time with his wife, Beth, his three married children and their spouses and his nine grandchildren. He loves children!
Prayer requests from COVENANT COLLEGE
- Pray for the students who have committed to spending four years at Covenant College. Pray for continued engagement with the College, excitement for what God has in store for their lives, and for the Holy Spirit to go before them in their time on campus.
- Pray for the students who have yet to decide where they will attend college. While most of our new class has been formed, we will still work with several students in the coming months.
- Pray for the staff of the admissions office, that they will engage, care for, and pursue prospective students well and with integrity.
- Pray that we would reach prospective students and prospective donors who are inclined to have an interest in the mission of Covenant College and that we would communicate effectively with them.
- Give thanksgiving and pray for God’s continued grace as we pursue teaching, mentoring, and learning. Please pray for faithfulness in work and direction so that Christ may have the preeminence in all things.
- Pray for the process of reaffirming the College’s accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.
- Pray for the work on the core curriculum of the College as we further align objectives and courses with the mission and purpose of the College.
- Pray for the graduate school of education as it seeks to have influence in K-12 settings through the education of teachers and administrators.
- Prayer for the safety and success of our $19.4 million restoration of the beloved Carter Hall, which houses 300 students, our dining facilities, our bookstore, and most of our administrative offices.
- Please pray that God would give strength and discernment to the student development team as they seek to create an environment that will assist students in developing life skills and will enhance their ability to take personal responsibility for their spiritual growth, as these students seek to become passionate and intentional learners. Pray that the team members would have wisdom as they assign roommates, design and implement a vibrant orientation week and train resident directors and resident assistants to mentor students and create hall identities.
- Please pray that God would prepare the hearts and minds of the incoming new students as they prepare to begin their college experience and that God would protect the incoming students from the temptations that come with the new freedoms of being away from home. Pray that He would enable them to use their time wisely during this first year and that He would help them grow to new depths in their relationship with Him in the context of new friendships and living obediently to the Word of God.
- Please pray for all of our students, especially those students who have not yet decided on a major and/or vocational direction to pursue. Please pray that the Spirit of Christ will direct students as they identify their calling for what lies after their Covenant experience. Pray that their academic endeavors will lead to work and research experiences that confirm callings to a variety of work opportunities and programs of further study.
- Please pray for the staff in our Center for Calling & Career—for wisdom in the counsel offered through many one-on-one conversations and broader group programs. Please pray that graduate schools and employers will look favorably upon Covenant students and alumni as they apply for positions and pursue various callings. Please pray for courage in our students, that they will boldly pursue whatever God is calling them to next.
- Please pray for students who are struggling with personal issues that prevent them from functioning to their greatest potential in a rigorous academic program.
- Please pray for our live-in staff of resident directors and resident assistants as they care for our students in their residence halls throughout the year.
- Please pray for the safety and security department as they strive to offer the greatest protection available to faculty, staff, and students.
- Please pray for our international students, students from missionary families, and all diversity students who often face cultural challenges in their transition. Pray that Covenant, and especially those who work closely with the cultural diversity program, will provide an environment that is open and comfortable, while celebrating and mirroring the varied texture of the world God has created. Pray that students build relationships, gain support and encouragement, and experience a true fellowship of looking out for one another while fully engaging and serving in the greater Covenant, Lookout Mountain, and Chattanooga communities.
- Please pray for our athletic department as they strive to compete honorably and represent Christ on and off the fields of play. Please also pray for the leadership of our coaches, their staff, and our student athletes.
- Please pray for our Priesthill Center staff as the nurses and counselors tend to the physical and emotional needs of our students.
- Please pray for the chapel department as they research and invite speakers throughout the year. We are in current need of funding for our annual Neal Conference on true spirituality held each fall. The chapel department is often a source of respite for hurting students and we appreciate your prayers as we seek to care for each student as needs arise.
- Please pray that God will call our alumni to understand the opportunities to serve through Covenant and to take ownership of the College by praying for her, representing her in their communities, and giving to sustain her.
- Please pray that our alumni will continue to explore and express the preeminence of Christ in their homes, churches, and communities. Pray that God will use our alumni to carry forward His Kingdom.
- Please pray that our students and alumni will be faithful ministers of the Gospel in their various vocational settings.
- Please pray that we will find willing volunteers who will help recruit new students, represent Covenant in their churches, provide career connections for the Center for Calling & Career, and encourage fellow alumni and friends to do these things with them.
- Please pray for the Carter Hall restoration project that began in May 2015 and will end in the summer of 2017. This project has a major impact on our campus operations and the daily routines and comforts of our employees and students.