Distinctively Feminine Discipleship
The purpose of a Titus 2 Ministry is to support the discipleship ministry of the church by helping women establish covenant relationships with godly women who will encourage and equip them to live for God's glory.
The goals of an effective Titus 2 Ministry are:
- for women to be equipped to apply the principles of Biblical womanhood to all of life.
- for women to be equipped to spiritually mentor other women and to show and tell the next generation the Biblical principles of womanhood.
- for some women to become Titus 2 group leaders.
- for all participants to be strengthened in their love for and service to the church.
Event-driven, purpose-driven, task-driven, or personality-driven ministries can provide opportunities for many accomplishments. However, there is an inherent danger in that any ministry that is not Biblically informed will eventually become competitive and divisive. Any ministry that does not balance its soup kitchens, ladies’ luncheons, kids' carnivals and charity fairs with the equipping of solid Biblical food will not enable its women to grow and flourish in their God-given roles.
“Spiritual Mothering is a way to cultivate a community of compassion and wisdom.”
The Titus 2 model can help to equip women who are more mature spiritually to come alongside other women and become spiritual mentors. The result is Women's Ministry that builds up women when the spiritually mature women lead the younger women.
Titus 2:3-5 is not simply a suggestion to match older women and younger women. The directive is a part of covenant life. It is a part of the strategy for the Christian education of the church.
The Titus mandate was given to the pastor of the church. Paul instructed Titus to equip older* women in the congregation for the ministry of training younger women. This discipleship is to take place within the context of sound doctrine and under ecclesiastical authority. The commitment, oversight, and protection of church leadership are biblical and essential.
(*note: older does not simply refer to age, but to spiritual maturity and connects women with mentorship relationships)
Titus 2 Tools by Susan Hunt is a new book published in 2016. It includes How to Implement a Titus 2 Ministry, Training Titus 2 Leaders and the Spiritual Mothering Leader's Guide. The Biblical Foundations ministry tools are also available to help.
Application Models
Woman At A Time: A woman can be spiritually mothered by reading these books and then pass the legacy of biblical womanhood on to others.
Small Group Model: Women can use the studies in interactive groups as they learn and apply the concepts of biblical womanhood.
Women’s Ministry Model: In this model, Biblical Foundations for Womanhood (Foundations) is the framework for the women’s ministry in a local church. This is accomplished through things such as:
Regularly involving women in the studies in various forums such as monthly studies, weekly studies, retreats, etc.
Planning events that model and reinforce the objectives of Foundations.
Equipping women’s leadership so that Foundations informs all of their planning and decisions.
Using Foundations as a commentary and foundation for all women’s studies and ministries.
Creating a vehicle to establish and encourage Titus 2 relationships.
Promoting a vision that includes women of all seasons and circumstances.
Bible Study Model: Women’s Bible study teachers are equipped through Foundations to incorporate and apply the principles of biblical womanhood into whatever they are teaching.
Speaker Model: Women who speak at retreats and events can intentionally integrate the concepts of Foundations in their speaking/teaching.