Why Women's Ministry in the Church?
Why does your church need a women's ministry?
Because through it we have the opportunity to address helpfully the issue of the nature of manhood and womanhood, an issue that is very much at the heart of the cultural transition we find ourselves in right now.
To have a deliberate, intentional ministry to women in the church because the Bible teaches so much on manhood and womanhood.
Because when biblical manhood and womanhood are denied, altered or unpracticed, that results in disasters in marriages, families, and churches.
Because we ought to have an intentional, deliberate approach to female discipleship.
Because the denial or the twisting of the Bible's clear teaching on manhood and womanhood is one of the central ways that biblical authority is undermined in our times.
(adapted from: "Women's Ministry in the Local Church" by J. Ligon Duncan and Susan Hunt, pg. 37-41.)
Why is women's ministry important to every evangelical church?
Behind and underneath the PCA Women's Ministry approach to distinctly feminine discipleship is the fundamental issue of biblical authority. If we can change or deny what the Bible says about female and male relationships to fit the current feminist culture, then we can make the Bible say whatever we want it to say. Rather than being uncomfortable addressing biblical womanhood, we should "let the lion loose, let God be God, and let His Word speak and rule in our lives."
(adapted from: "Women's Ministry in the Local Church" by J. Ligon Duncan and Susan Hunt, pg. 42.)
What is the purpose of Women's Ministry in the Church?
The purpose of the PCA Women’s Ministry is that every woman know Christ personally and be committed to extending His Kingdom in her life, home, church, community and throughout the world.