Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry
February 2016*
This organization shall be known as the Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry.
This organization shall be under the authority of the Heritage Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The ministry is advised by the PCA Women’s Ministry Team, under the Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) of the PCA.
The purpose of the Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry shall be to:
Provide an organization to encourage service, fellowship and spiritual growth among the women in the churches within the bounds of this Presbytery.
Inspire women in the churches to know Christ personally and be committed to extending His Kingdom in their lives, homes, churches, communities and throughout the world.
Encourage and support our missionaries both here and abroad.
Increase denominational awareness and loyalty.
The membership of Heritage Presbytery Women’s Ministry shall be all women who are members of a church in the Presbytery.
Section 1
The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each officer shall be a member in good standing of a PCA church in the Heritage Presbytery.
Section 2
A. The President shall preside at all activities of the Heritage Presbytery Women’s Ministry and of the Executive Council; shall appoint committees and committee chairmen as deemed necessary; may be a member ex officio of all committees; shall ensure regular communication with churches in the Presbytery; is encouraged to attend or send a representative to the annual PCA Women’s Leadership Training Conference; and shall present an annual report (in person or written) to Presbytery.
B. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence; and shall perform duties as requested by the President.
C. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all business transacted at meetings of the Executive Council and of the Presbytery Women’s Ministry meetings and send copies to Council members.
D. The Treasurer shall handle all financial matters; shall give a detailed report at all meetings of the Executive Council; is authorized to make expenditures approved by the Executive Council; shall present a treasurer's report approved by the Executive Council to the Annual Meeting of Heritage Presbytery Women’s Ministry; shall encourage churches within the Presbytery to make contributions to the treasury.
Section 3
Election and Terms of Office
A. The officers shall be elected by three-fourths of the current Executive Council and presented at the Annual Meeting; newly elected officers shall assume office at the close of the meeting.
B.The term of office shall be two years, except in special circumstances. No officer shall be elected to more than two consecutive terms in any one office.
Section 1
The regular meetings of the Heritage Presbytery Women’s Ministry shall include an annual meeting and at least one activity, meeting or conference.
Section 2
The Annual Meeting shall include at least the presentation and installation of officers, the treasurer's report, the reading of scripture and prayer.
Section 3
Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Council.
Executive Council
Section 1
The Executive Council shall be composed of the officers of the Heritage Presbytery Women’s Ministry. The PCA Women’s Ministry Northeast Regional Advisor may be a member ex officio.
Section 2
The Executive Council shall have general supervision of the organization between regular meetings; shall make recommendations to the organization; and shall be subject to the wishes of the organization.
Section 3
Meetings of the Executive Council shall be called by the President or upon request of three members of the Council. There shall be at least two meetings held annually.
Section 4
The Council may appoint members at large. Members at large may attend Council meetings but shall not have voting rights. Any woman who is interested in Presbytery ministry and is a member in good standing of a PCA church in Heritage Presbytery may be considered for this role.
Section 1
Committees shall be formed as deemed necessary by the Executive Council.
Section 2
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of at least three members from at least three different churches; shall have its chairman and members appointed by the President; shall be responsible for nominating candidates for office each year to be presented at the Annual Meeting; and shall be responsible for filling vacancies occurring between terms of office.
Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be used as a guide to parliamentary procedure.
Section 1
These bylaws shall be reviewed periodically by the Heritage Presbytery Women’s Ministry Executive Council.
Section 2
The Executive Council shall provide the membership of the Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry notice of all proposed amendments. The membership shall have a minimum of thirty days to submit comments on the amendments to the Council.
Section 3
The Executive Council shall vote on the proposed amendments after consideration of all submitted comments. Upon a three-fourths vote in favor of the amendments, the Council shall present the amendments to the Heritage Presbytery for final approval.
Section 4
The Executive Council shall notify the women of the Heritage Presbytery of all approved amendments.
*Approved by the membership of the Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry, formerly known as the Heritage PresWIC, at the Annual Meeting on March 12, 2016, as specified by the 1998 Bylaws.