Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry Executive Council
The Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry Executive Council strives to serve as a resource for the women's ministries in the local churches and to help connect the women in local churches. The Council is composed of the officers of the Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry. Each officer is a member in good standing of a PCA church in the Heritage Presbytery. The PCA Women’s Ministry Northeast Regional Advisor may be a member ex officio.
The Council is here to serve you. If you have any questions about women’s ministry, want to get involved or just want to introduce yourself, please contact the Council.
President - Sue New (2023-2024), Good News Church
Vice President - Susan Capelli (2023-2025), Crossroads Presbyterian Church
Secretary - Marsha Leauby (2023-2025), Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Treasurer - Mary Nairn (2023-2025), Evangelical Presbyterian Church
l-r Marsha Leauby, Sue New, Susan Capelli, Mary Nairn
Cheryl Mullis
PCA Women's Ministry Northeast Regional Advisor
Cheryl Mullis, our regional advisor, is a member of a team of women approved by, and under the oversight and authority of, PCA Discipleship Ministries (CDM). She represents the Northeast Region of the PCA. The Heritage Presbytery is part of the Northeast Region. The Regional Advisors work with leadership teams in churches and presbyteries and also with the national Coordinator of PCA Women’s Ministry in planning and implementing training opportunities, materials, and programs for women. Cheryl lives in Annapolis, MD.
If you have any questions about women’s ministry or just want to introduce yourself, contact her at cmullis@epannapolis.org. Please contact her if you would like to have a PCA Women's Ministry's Trainer come to your church.
Coordinator for PCA Women's Ministry
Karen Hodge
Karen Hodge, the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry, is on staff with PCA Discipleship Ministries (CDM). She works to promote discipleship ministry among women in the PCA. Karen coordinates the efforts of regional leaders and trainers to plan events, develop resources, and connect those who serve at the presbytery and local church level. She consults with church leaders to develop a vital ministry to women in the PCA.
Email: khodge@pcanet.org
Phone: 678-825-1146
CDM Event Coordinator & Women’s Ministry Assistant
Kathy Wargo
Kathy is on staff with CDM. She works remotely from Delaware organizing CDM events and implementing Women's Ministry initiatives with Karen Hodge. She is a past president of the women's ministry at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Newark, past president of the Heritage Presbytery Women's Ministry and was the Northeast Region representative on the Women's Advisory Sub-Committee (WASC). In addition to her master organizational skills and humility, Kathy is famous in the Heritage Presbytery for her sense of fun and wonderful skits and characters.
Email: kwargo@pcanet.org
Phone; 678-825-1132