2018 Heritage Presbytery Annual Women's Meeting & Conference
"Overcoming Difficulties With a Kingdom Focus"
“And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty, I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.”
Our speaker Lisa Hellier will be using the book of Revelation to encourage us regarding how to overcome the difficulties of our lives. Sometimes we face opposition in our lives because we attempt to live by Biblical principles. Living with a kingdom focus can be difficult. Come and learn how to persevere and live daily with a kingdom focus.
Keynote Speaker: Lisa Hellier
Lisa serves the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) as a Bible Study teacher, small group leader and trainer. For the past twenty years she has led, taught and trained women to know, love and serve God with all of their lives in her church, community Bible studies, retreats and conferences. She joined the Christian Discipleship Ministries (CDM) team as a Women's Ministries Trainer in 2015. Lisa is married to Jim and is mom to three sons: Nate, Matthew and Samuel. They live in Jackson, Mississippi.
Early Registration Through February 18th, $20; Registration February 19-March 11, $25
This year there is an optional Pre-Conference Dessert & Talk on Friday evening, March 16, for women ministry leaders, pastor's wives, elder's wives and deacon's wives. Lisa will be speaking on "Facing Ministry Challenges With Christ As Our Example". Cost: $5/person.
Host: Faith Presbyterian Church
Lodging Information: A block of rooms has been arranged for the "Heritage Women's Conference" at The Inn at Wilmington (300 Rocky Run Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19803). Telephone: (302) 479-7900. The rate is $112 for a room with two queen beds and a complimentary breakfast. Reservations need to be made by Friday, February 23, 2018, to secure the rate. Reservation should be made under the Heritage Women's Ministry block. If registering online, select date(s) and add the group code "HWM".
For More Information & Publicity:
Folder Contents:
2017 Financial Summary
2018 Love Gift (Cherish) bulletin Insert
One conference flyer
Small group discussion questions